Truly Surprising, Linda Ikeji’s Blog Has Been Activated Back By Google

This is truly surprising news, during two days (since October 08) the Linda Ikeji Blog getting shutdown and had been removed by Google, but now when this article was updated, I see her blog has been return and her blog has been updated and created some new posts. no body knows why Google turn off and disabled her blog by Google in two days, maybe this is the first case where’s any blog had been removed by Google only 2 days then those blog enable again this is would be a histories of blogger.

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Usually, blog that removed by google needs long times to get activated back after the filing appeal is approved by google. Sometimes “shutdown” are permanently if their violation can’t be tolerance, for example they has too much doing plagiarism to others.

But now I can smilling after looking the Linda Ikeji’s Blog already exist again, where’s a simple blog that has giving a lot of inspiration to me which updated by a blogger woman and finally she got popularity by her free blog.

I hope the  “google forgiveness” to Linda Ikeji’s Blog is permanently so that I can continues to getting her new updates.

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^^ Please also read the news before, Linda Ikeji’s Blog Has Been Removed, What Happened?

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

6 komentar

  1. Syukurlah kalau blog linda ikeji telah kembali :D<br />

  2. wah, english mode sekarang,…

  3. Setelah mendengar, menimbang akhirnya memutuskan. Sebuah shock terapy dari Google. Peringatan untuk hati-hati.Google tetap punya kuasa diatas kesaktian sebuah blogpun.<br />Menunjukkan taringnya.

  4. blog lindaikeji yang sudah 300jt/bln, sayang banget ya mbak kalau bener-bener ditendang google.<br /><br />syukur dch kalo dah aktif kembali.

    1. syukurlah mas mas, blog linda telah diaktifkan lagi 🙂 itu adalah salah satu blogger inspirasi saya yg menggunakan blog gratis utk mencari nafkah 🙂

  5. Aktif kembali blognya lindai keiji, blognya emang mantap.

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