When the Canary Birds Singing With Weeping

When I take a walk around of my village, I saw the canaries in a cage. They are really happy and they can enjoy with their beautiful days in the cage although their wonderful cage is an evil prison that has been banned them to enjoying of their freedom.

In the eastern countries, canaries are hunted by humans for some money. The lives of these beautiful birds are very alarming, where they can not enjoying for their real lives.

beautiful birds, canary birds, indonesia birds, rainforest birds

However, they are the beautiful birds who always happy to singing. They willingly to giving their lives to human that always greedy.

beautiful birds, canary birds, indonesia birds, rainforest birds

I love you canaries…….. Hope you are always be happy…

beautiful birds, canary birds, indonesia birds, rainforest birds

Hi.. I’m the canary birds from Indonesia, I want to having my real life… I want go home at my home in rainforest…

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^^ Read also Santet Banyuwangi, Javanese Witchcraft That Famous in Indonesia.

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

3 komentar

  1. Gambar Gravatar Indra Kusuma Sejati berkata:

    Kalau mendengar burung yang bisa menyanyi enak juga ya mba. apalagi kalau di pagi hari. 😀

    1. senang sekali ya mas dengerin kicau burung di pagi hari yg indah 🙂 good morning and thanks for your pertamax 😀

  2. Melihara burung juga ya mbak … repot kan udah ngurus anak , ngurus rumah tangga terus ngurus hewan peliharaan 😀

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