Quick Ways to Create Many Articles on Your Blog Easily

In order to have a website that contains many articles quickly it’s not easy because you must write many articles each day. Just write one to two articles only in your site it’s not enough to make your site rich in contents. How can your site getting more traffic if just has a little content?

I think in my previously articles I have written an article with the same topic like this, but that is no problem now write again because in this article I put some useful things. Read also How to Find Writing Article Ideas For Your Blog Easily.

As we know that you can earn money just by write articles on your blog at home, then you put Google Adsense ads on it they will work for you, they will give you earning every month.

Here some tips about how to make your site getting a lot of articles quickly. However, in order to do it you need a camera. What do you need a camera? Please to read of some explanations below.


How to create many articles on your site quickly

1. Get out from your house with a camera

As a blogger you have to familiarize yourself to carry a camera anywhere you go, because if you see something unique you can take picture at that momment. I suggest you to often visit the places that there are many beautiful panoramas near your home. In my place, I often went to the beach near my home which I can see a lot of beautiful nature panoramas and I taken pictures of them for my blog content materials.

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You can also take photograph the beautiful nature panoramas near your place. But if you live in a city you may can photograph some beautiful attraction in your city that no available in the bech, such as flyovers, widescrapers, etc. You can also go to the central of your city and then you take picture of many crowded that you see there. Maybe you will get many pictures just in one place.

2. Open computer and login on your blog

Try to create new article and upload your picture one by one, and then you write something descriptions below the picture some explanations about that picture, when your article already get more than 300 words long you can publish it. Your articles must be more than 300 words per-article because it will get a better rank on the google search result later so the users can easily to find your articles.

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Try create a new article again until all of your pictures finish no longer available due to you have published it on your blog. If you can get 30 pictures just for one day, it means you can create 30 articles on your blog just for one day easily just by one camera you belong. If you calculate for one month it means you can create 900 articles on your blog. Your blog will be rich in articles and visitors certainly,

I hope this article is useful and gives you more ideas in order to create many articles on your blog easily.

Read also How to Introduce Your Blog to The World Community.

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

3 komentar

  1. Harus punya.
    Must have.

    Disini “have” adalah kata kerja.

    Modal + be + KK biasa, itu ndak ada grammarnya.
    Must be have, diperbaiki menjadi “must have.”

    Kecuali mau jadi -ing
    Must be having.
    Contoh She must be having a bad day.

    1. Thanks mas Juan for your correct, I have corrected it 😀 Don’t be bored to teach me and correct my writings, thanks 🙂

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