How to Learn Write English Article With Google Translate Most Easily

Learn English – A lot of bloggers nothing understand about how to write english with good, including me. But that’s no problem for me because there is Google Translate that we can use to write an article. By keep writing english article every day, then that thing will make you are know more about the vocabularies, and the vocabularies are very important for us when we was writing article.


How to begin write english article using the Google Translate?

Very easy, just you need to open the google translate and then you write article on it with your original language. Don’t forget, when you was typing the word by word, please you see the translated result articles that appears on the right side of the page of google translate.

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If you see there is any word that incorrect typed, you could correct it so that not incorrect. If your article has been ready for published, about least than 300 words, then you can copy it and then you put it on your blog post, then publish it, completed.

This is a most easy way for the bloggers that no understand how to write english articles on their blog, like me 😀

Have nice blogging 🙂 If there are incorrect grammatical on my articles above please help me to correct it by leave a comment below because I still learn in english, Indonesian called Nekad 😀 , many thanks. Read also Why Your English is Very Bad?

Note: below is perfect article for learning

Learn how to write English articles with Google Translate easily

Learning English – A lot of bloggers don’t know how to write with good English, including me. But that is not a problem for me because there is Google Translate, which we can use to write an article. If you keep writing English articles every day, that will help you to learn more vocabulary, the vocabulary is very important for us when we write an article.

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How to begin writing an English article using Google Translate?

Very easily, you just need to open Google Translate and then write an article on it in your
original language. When you are typing word by word, you can see the translated result on
the right side of Google Translate.

If you see any word that is incorrectly translated, you can correct it so it is not incorrect. If your article was ready for publication, and it is less than 300 words long, then you can copy it, translate it and then put it in your blog post, and then publish it once completed.

This is a very easy way for bloggers who don’t understand how to write English articles on
their blog, like me 🙂

Have a nice blogging 🙂 If there is incorrect grammar in my previous articles, please help me
to correct it by leaving a comment below because I am still learning English.

Gambar Gravatar
Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

25 komentar

  1. Akhirnya nulis / posting inggris juga mba! Selamat!

    1. nekad nih mas, kalau gak nekad belajar kapan bisanya hehehe 😀

  2. indeed Ms. indri, a major factor in writing good english article are grammar, nice to meet you.

    1. thanks mas eko, good luck for you 🙂

  3. I dont have confidence to write in english

    1. hi mas sugeng, we must be learn to write english articles from now so we have confidence to write english articles 😀

  4. This is nice Sista.. Since Mr. EKo said the key is Grammar. Yup we agree.
    Then i put my own view for another key, that the first thing we should have for a beginner is “Confidence”.
    Hehe pede aja ya Mbak, namanya juga belajar. English saya masih belepotan, tapi pede2in coba posting beberapa artikel english, yang penting masih bisa di mengerti.. pelan2 improve.. 😀
    Cayo mbak, this blog is my #1 fav, plenty others can’t compare this one, unique.. i’m your fan Mbak Indri.. ^_^

    1. hi mbak eva… thanks for your advices, I’ll keep learn and write english article every day to be better and perfectly in the future 🙂 I’ll try to always confidence 😀

  5. Gambar Gravatar Bisnis Online wisata inspirasi berkata:

    This is a good idea, if you don’t understand english you can use google translate for write article in other language that you cant

    1. thanks my friend, I have learn use google translate 😀

  6. Mantappp bu…… Bahasa Enggress membuat blog kita mendunia…..

  7. Nice article. However I prefer not to use Google Translate.

    One important thing about being a blogger is about yourself. Your writing shows your character and many times, google translate can not interprete your feeling or what you want to say correctly.

    Your character is likely to lose in the translation.

    As a first step, it is good but it must be combined with your effort to develop your english skill.

    Don’t make Google translate as your comfort zone..:D

    1. Thanks mas Anton, I”ve been tried to write english articles without google translate since yesterday, but just some time I should be used google translate when I confused or forget about something words or vocabulary 😀 In this write I don’t use google translate, maybe mas Anton see there is some mistakes in my wrote 😀

      1. You will still see some mistakes on my writing too.

        It is normal. English is not our mother language. So, definitely there are many mistakes in your writings and mine too. There will always be.

        However, using Google Translate tends to make us lazy. Yes, you can have a writing in English instantly but you obtain nothing.

        You don’t get any skill by using google translate. Your skill won’t be improved.

        It is easy indeed but you lose a chance to practice.

        It doesn’t mean I don’t use google translate but I use it as a dictionary only. If I need a help to find a correct word, I use it.

        However I don’t want to miss a chance to practice . Most of all, I don’t want to lose a joyful feeling of achieving something from my writing.

        I can understand the eagerness and your willingness to try but just do it as you make this blog.. be patient and enjoy the journey..

        You will reach your goal finally and at the same time you will gain your skill.

        Anyway don’t be wrong that you can not use Google Translate.. Use it but do not feel comfortable with that.

        Just keep on writing sis.. you have the thing to be successful in learning English. Your persistence ! I salute you for that and just use it

        Btw, I will tell you someday how I learned English..:D Do you know ? I never had any formal courses of English.

        1. Thanks brother, now I’ve understand about the way to learn a better english after you often tell me more about english. I say many thanks for your many advices and motivations, which you don’t ever bored to teach me about english. I’ll allways wait for the enlightenment from you.. brother 🙂

  8. Thank you for confirmation mba indri…

    1. thanks you too mas Arbain 🙂

  9. Keren mbak Indri, nothing is impossible if we tried everything possible . good article

    1. thanks mas kit, good luck 🙂

  10. Actually I really want to write articles in english. But, I realize that it is hard to compete with foreign blogs. nowadays, I still have difficult to compete with local blogs.I think that I need more experience in blogging before launch an english blog.

    About using google translate to make content, I disagree about it. this is just my own opinion.

    first, we have to write content in Indonesian language. it need at least one hour to write 750 words for beginner like me.

    secondly we have to translate it in google. it just need 3 minutes. but, the time we need at least 30 to make a correct grammar. It is my own experience.there are many factors. It’s depend on ourself. so, totally I need 1 hour and 33 minutes.

    If I make an english content with 750 words length without google translate, I think that I can do it in 2 hours. 27 minutes slower than using google translate.But I get some advantages. first, I can increase my ability to write in english. second, I can stop dependence
    on google. third, I open chance to get many new vocabularies. fourth, I can learn by many mistakes I make when I write it myself.

    so, I am in total agreement with Bang Anton opinion that translate just make us lazy.

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