How to Get Adsense Fully Approved With a Free Blog Easilly

Adsense is an ad application service that run by google and it’s an easy way for the bloggers to make money with their blog. Just use a free blog service, put your adsense on it, then you will earn money from google if there is anybody clicks ad on your site. But to get an adsense account it’s not easy, because we must be having a blog or website that comply to adsense criteria and adhere to adsense program policy.

But don’t worry! I’ll share my experience about how do I make an eligible blog to get approval from adsense easily.


1. Create a blogger blog
First, you must create a free blog from blogger that just needs a few minutes only, and then write an articles on it. You must create at least two articles each day for aย month. So, if today you begin to create articles then you will have about 60 articles at the end of this month. Your articles must be unique and useful for the readers.

READ  Earning Adsense Kembali Naik Sebulan Paska Lebaran

2. Createย a good navigation menus on your blog
In order to get an approval from AdSense, your blog needs to have a clear navigation for users. Put a recent post and blog archive on sidebar, add some related posts below content, create and put category menus above the content or below header.

3. Increase your blog traffic from search engine
To get adsense fully approved, your blog’s traffic must be feasible for adsense, for example: your blog is getting traffic at least 50 to 100 daily unique visitors. Without adequate traffic, it will not enough capability to request ad appears on your blog so adsense ads can’t be appears on it, and the google team can’t done the review if adsense ads not appears on your blog.

READ  Pengalaman Pertama Kali Tidak Ngerti Wujud Iklan Adsense

Send your adsense application

After one month since your blog has been launched, you can send an adsense application through the monetize tab on the admin dashboard on blogger. I hope this articles is helpful. Read alsoย Would You Like Learn English Easily, Quickly And Perfectly?

Gambar Gravatar
Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

15 komentar

  1. what if my blog below 40 uniq visitor? is it possible for google to app my google adsense? #BelepotanEngglishna ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. that’s enough and you can try it ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Langsung koment buat yang gak ngeri bahasa linggis hehehe, kayaknya mau go internasyionel nich mbak indri

    1. mau coba2 cari pembaca bule nih mas, sapa tahu mereka ada yg kesasar di blog ini hehehe ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Gambar Gravatar Bisnis Online wisata inspirasi berkata:

    Ciyye you now write in english. its ok to begin write in english today, ok i have do that on my blog. thanks.

    1. thanks for your support and motivation my friend ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Sedikit koreksi, namun tidak terbatas pada apa yang di bawah:

    Adsense is an ad application serving
    serving -> service

    its an easy way for the bloggers
    its -> it’s

    Just having a free blog than you put adsense ads on it then…
    Just use a free blog service, put your adsense on it, then…

    a long one month.
    for a month.

    To get get approval from adsense, your blog have to easy to navigate by the users.
    In order to get an approval from AdSense, your blog needs to have a clear navigation for users.

    1. Thanks mas Juan… I have been corrected all ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you don’t ever bored to teach me and correct my articles when you see some mistakes on it ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. maaf mbak indri, bingung mo nanya dibagian mana . . .di numpang tanya disini aja ya. . .

    – cara kirim permohonan adsense yang DISAPROVE gimana ya ?
    – klo berkenan, apa blog saya ada yg menyalahi peraturan adsense ?

    makasih jawabannya. . . .

    1. silakan mas tutor register di forum ini dan tanyakan permasalahannya agar saya bisa menjelaskannya lebih jelas seperti pada teman2 lainnya ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. kalau sudah salam sukses aja ya mas tutor ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. @Mbak indri : kok blog saya di tolak terus nih masalahnya konten tidak memadai padahal blog saya udah 58 artikel dan original semua, memang sih umur blog saya masih 1 biulan>
    kira kira apa yang kurang nih mas mohon pencerahannya
    blo saya tentang-hewan.blogspot. com

    1. perbaiki aja blognya sesuai alasan penolakan tersebut lalu bulan depan daftarkan lagi, ntar pasti diapproved ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Keren artikelnya b. inggris euy.
    Ane mah ga bisa b. inggris.
    Bisanya sunda ma indonesia aja..

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