Beautiful Animals in Rainforest of Taman Safari Indonesia 2

When you’re visit to Taman Safari Indonesia 2 (the Indonesia’s wildlife and nature conservation) you’ll be treated to some beautiful scenery like a green forest and indonesian beautiful animals.

In Indonesia, there are more of 3.000 species that lives around the indonesian rainforest, like deer, javan leopards, sumatran tigers, sumatran elephants, and variety of wonderful birds that lives in the rainforest.

adventures, holiday, vacation, tourism, wildlife, beautiful animals

In Taman safari Indonesia 2 that located in the district of Prigen at Pandaan regency, there are also some wildlife that has taken from another country like african lions, south american llama, african deer and another wildlife.

adventures, holiday, vacation, tourism, wildlife, beautiful animals

In addition of wildlife, you’ll also treated to some beautiful scenery like the forests that have in another country, like europe forest, african, forest, asian forest, american forest and australian forest. The kangaroo, you can also look them in there.

adventures, holiday, vacation, tourism, wildlife, beautiful animals

In Taman Safari Indonesia 2 the visitors must be stay in the car and should not be put out of their limbs, especially when they were passing the predators zona or area of the dangerous animals like lions, tigers, bear and another dangerous wildlife.

adventures, holiday, vacation, tourism, wildlife, beautiful animals

But when they were passing in the zona of zebra, deer, llama, buffalo and other domestic animals you can giving them some vegetables for their diets. If you’re visit to indonesia, take one day to see some beautiful scenery in green rainforest that have in southest asia.

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2 komentar

  1. Wow it's so great post, When ever I want to visit there for enjoy the natural zoo…

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