Would You Like Learn English Easily, Quickly And Perfectly?

Sometimes we are feeling difficult to learning english perfectly. And that’s right, I’m also often feeling like that before I’m knowing how to learning english correctly. Because there is some difference between the English and Indonesian language, especially in language system.


For example in sentence below:

English: This is a new book (means : Ini adalah sebuah buku baru)
Indonesian: This is a book new (means: Ini adalah sebuah buku baru)

Two sentences above has same meaning but different grammar. That’s why we’re often confused when writing an english articles.

Learn english easily, quickly and perfectly

If we don’t have any friend who can correct it, we can write a question in a forum that discusses about how to learn english, for example, you can post a question in Google+ in English For Fun. I also learn english in there.

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Don’t be shy to ask if you want to understand english quickly, and you must be confidence that someday you can understand english perfectly like them. So, in the future we will be really understand how do I write and speak english perfectly.

I would write a quote :

If you want to understand english quickly, you don’t be shy to ask and you must ask to a person who really understand about english language. So you will be understand english language quickly and perfectly without feeling difficult.

This is a very easy way to learn english which I can share, if there is incorrect grammar in my previous articles, please help me to correct it by leaving a comment below because I am still learning English. Have a nice blogging 🙂 Read also Learn How to Write English Article With Google Translate Easily.

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

8 komentar

  1. Actualy, English is not dificult, the first we must like our English teacher!

    1. If we like to our english teacher it will help us to understand english quickly 🙂

  2. The point is to expand vocabulary ya,..that’s true?

    1. vocabulary is most important thing for all languages 😀

  3. wah.. harus translate dulu biar tau isinya

  4. Well, actually it is not difficult to learn English.

    Someone says English is not a knowledge , it is a skill. It perfectly shows what you have to do.

    To gain a skill, then you must be consistent. The skill is not built in a day. It is like a blog, no blogs will ever be popular in one or two days. It will take some time to establish a blog.

    Then, the same applies to your English skill.

    You can not just learn about vocabulary, nor only about grammar or conversation. English Language consists of all of these things.

    To gain your English skill, you must be willing to learn and practice everyday. Bit by bit .. Don’t expect an instant result, there will never be such way. It will just waste your time to seek for instant way in learning a language.

    Even a small thing like remembering 3-4 word or just a pattern of a sentence, it will put a foundation of your English skill.

    With or without teacher, you can gain it as long as you are persistent enough to suffer during your learning period.

    You will make mistakes , for sure…but we are just human beings and making mistakes is just a part of our life.

    1. Hello mas Anton, thank you very much for your advices and explains about english, its very helpful for me:) I’ll continues to learn a good english and keep write english articles to improve my english to be better and perfectly 🙂

      And I say many thanks that you have been visited my blog and give me a helpful teaching. Have a nice day 🙂

  5. Hello ?? The two langguage in your blog. That Good??

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