Santet Banyuwangi, Javanese Witchcraft That Famous in Indonesia

Santet is the javanese black magic or witchcraft that famous around the archipelago, in fact around the world. Santet is practiced with evil genie’s help or devil by inserting a sharp objects like a nail, needles, blade, and another sharp objects into the body someone who being targeted.

A person who has infected by the santet sharp objects can’t be cured by doctors because it’s the magical objects which can’t be detected by means of medical technology.

Usually a few days or months later the targets will be sick and finally to death after his body tortured by the witchcraft for several months.

dukun santet, shaman, witchcraft, black magic, magician, hypnotic

The shaman who practices the santet witchcraft called “Dukun Santet” (Dukun is shaman). They are paid by someone who having a problems with others and he intended to kill him with the santet witchcraft.

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The district of Banyuwangi is one of place in Indonesia that known as central of Dukun Santet, and also in some other place such as district of Lamongan although no too famous.

Since 1960, the researchers from the United States like Geertz (1960), Mulder (1978-1998) and Beatty (1999) have examined existence of dukun santet in district of Banyuwangi.

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Recently in 2002, the Murdoch University from Australia also held a study to uncover the role of the Banyuwangi witches or Dukun Santet that affect into the politics and ideology in the life of Indonesian society.

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

9 komentar

  1. Indri… there are some things that happen that have no answers as to how… we don&#39;t believe this so much in Canada ;-)<br /><br />Have a great day and thank you for your comment ♡

    1. hehehe Launna sist, you right… in canada there&#39;s nothing people who believes like that :)<br /><br />this is indonesian ancient mythology and we don&#39;t have to believe it, maybe just a few people only that believe it :D<br /><br />thanks you too for your visit and comment back sist, have a nice day 🙂

  2. What&#39;s deference Santet and Teluh? Would you like to write it? Happy writing Indri

    1. i think they are the same, because they had intend to kill someone by using black magic, <br /><br />but in practices they has some different, santet is killing others by inserting the sharp object into the body of target, <br /><br />but teluh killing others without insert any object into the body of target, teluh just making someone sick and die 😀

  3. Thanks so much, its interest!

    1. you&#39;re welcome my friend, thanks for your visit 🙂

  4. Gambar Gravatar Hiendrich accid burn berkata:

    nice post<br />visit back in my blog please<br /><br /><br />

  5. oh good…it&#39;s scary for me… hopefuly we fredoom from santet. Amin.

  6. Artinya apaan yah.. saya cuma tahu arti santet banyuwangi nya saja,, maklum wong ndeso… 🙂

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