Samsung Tizen OS Has Integrated With WhatsApp Application

The Giant Technology of South Korean, Samsung is planning to launch their latest smartphone Z1 with Tizen operating system in January 2015. Tizen is an operating system that developed by Samsung to reduce its dependence on Google’s Android OS.

As reported by the Ubergizmo, the latest Samsung smartphone with Tizen OS is already integrated directly with an instant messaging application WhatsApp without the users needs to be install it.

latest whatsapp application for samsung

The displays of WhatsApp on Tizen OS is no too much different than what appeared on Android.

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This is a first step of Samsung to bring WhatsApp on its services to attract more users to be able to switch to Tizen OS.

Z1 will be marketed for the first time in India on January 18, 2015.

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3 komentar

  1. Walah, so starting from this post you are targeting non Indonesian readers?<br />What a move then…<br />Good luck mBak…

    1. since earlier this blog has been posted with the mix language articles hehehe :D<br /><br />thanks for your support my brother, goodluck too 🙂

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