Linda Ikeji is Now Hiring Reporters And Photographers For LIB

Linda Ikeji, owner of the LIB (Linda Ikeji’s Blog) now recruiting reporters and photographers to hiring them to get more exclusive content. This is an first action after during two days her blog getting shutdown by google because they found too much copyright infringement on her blog.
Linda Ikeji says on her blog that she was really proud where she did this alone & brought herself to number one in Nigeria with the help of loyal LIB readers or her fans.
Therefore, today Linda Ikeji announced to anyone, a reporter or even someone passionate about news reporting or someone who think he can source for news for LIB, they were can send an email to
Besides, Linda Ikeji officially apologize to everyone who has sent her a mail however she was never replied. There are thousands of funs and therefore she was truly apologize. 
“When you blog alone, it’s almost impossible to pay attention to much else. So forgive me!” Linda Ikeji said.
“I’m so scattered that I don’t even have a LIB logo”, she added.
Now LIB was recruiting reporters and photographers, if you interested, you can sent an email to Linda Ikeji as LIB reporter or photographer.
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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

10 komentar

  1. Akhirnya pertamax juga<br />Heboh Linda Keji, cuma bisa mengikuti dan geleng2 kepala.

  2. Ini pelajaran berharga bagi blogger semua termasuk LIB … Jadi harus berhati – hati dalam mengambil gambar yang berhak cipta ya …

  3. JuraganCipir Mulai dipenuhi Artikel berbahasa Inggris… ^_^<br />Strateginya luar biasa….

  4. Gambar Gravatar Muhammad Zaairul Haq berkata:

    benar mang yono, pelajaran berharga nih

  5. Gambar Gravatar Wahyu Eka Prasetiyarini berkata:

    keren juga nih lindaikeji, bisa sukses ngeblog di blogspot, bisa ditiru ya mbak 😉

  6. hak cipta kini kian marak di bicarakan selain memang sudah ada ketentuan dan aturannya, hak cipta ini juga memiliki landasan hukum yang sah.<br />jadi saya kudu hati-hati nih upload foto orang lain ya kak.<br />makasih pencerahannya

  7. Gambar Gravatar Hiendrich accid burn berkata:

    who is linda keiji i don&#39;t know who is her.. maybe next post you can writing biography about linda keiji and why she could be success with her blog<br /><br />thanks 😀

  8. kalo mbak juragan sendiri udah merekrut penulis tetap apa belum nih. 😀

    1. belum mas, skrg saya lagi buka lowongan utk 2 orang menjadi penulis blog bahasa inggris nih hehehe 😀

  9. lindaikeji udah kaya kok , bisa membuild blog baru lagi dengan domain dan selfhosting :v

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