I’m never looking for the backlinks in any where, because they’ll be comes into my blog without I have to placed any link on every sites in internet. In fact, the backlinks placement that wrong or excessive will be marked as spam by google and it will make your blog to be more bad on the search engine.
I’m more liked to waiting for the natural backlinks. How to do it? Very easy and without doing anything, just you must be focused on update new article every day.
On the internet is a lot of crawler and they will crawling your blog and adding your blog on their index list. That’s the natural backlinks where they will make your blog’s rank to be better and more useful to increase your blog’s visibility on the search engine.
As on the screenshot above, thousand of inbound links came into my site without I have to placed my blog link on any sites. The longer will be a lot of inbound links who came and they will giving natural backlinks without I have to placed my blog link on any sites.
As quote, the important is quality of article. If your article’s quality is good, your blog visibility will be better on the search engine although you just waiting for natural backlinks, and of course your blog’s traffic will be increased.
^^ Hope the article is helpfull. Read also Linda Ikeji Now Hiring Reporters And Photographers For LIB.
waww keren but no i am don't need back link because I Don't have no blog any more 😛
luar bisa backlink nya buanyak! Mba
waw banyak banget mbak ,,,itu teh becklink ya yang nongol di webmaster,,,punya saya itu udah nyampe 7259,,kirain itu buan backlink,,hehehe
Justru terkadang tautlinks terlalu banyak, karena terlalu nyepam, akan memengaruhi blog juga.