How Many Words In Article Good For SEO?

Article seo friendly is start from 300 up to 500 words, unique and rich in information. If your articles is less than 300 words, search engine will found slightly keywords on your blog post so your post is difficult to found by users and also difficult to be got a better rank on the first page of Google Search Engine.

To getting your articles appears on the first page of google search, you must also writing at least more of five “focus keyword” on every your blog post. For example, you want targeting the keyword “online business”, so you must placing at least five of online business word into your post.

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In addition, you must also write online business word on your post title initial.

If you placed some keywords that you targeted start from post title and the articles, and your articles no less of 300 words, unique and informative, it will make your articles as the best article on the search engine or referred as seo friendly articles and always appears on the first page of google search.

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

12 komentar

  1. It's great piece of entry, I will try to make a post in my site over of 300 words. Thank you for your sharing!

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    1. hello too brother :)<br />I&#39;ll be glad if you give me teaching/advices how to write the better english articles, I&#39;m very happy wait for your feedbacks, thanks 🙂

  3. This is one of some mistakes I found at your blogpost titled &quot;How Many Words For Article Seo Friendly?&quot; Please you find the sentense &quot;… to get ranked on page one google&quot; It should be: &quot;… to be got a better rank on the first page of Google Search Engine. <br /><br />

    1. thanks brother, I already fix it :p if you still see some mistake, give me feedback please 🙂

      1. It&#39;s not the matter, sister. Nice to visit your website

    1. thank you too sista, and also thanks for your visits back on my simple blog 🙂

  4. Gambar Gravatar rwp cabang cikampek berkata:

    Any how it is have delivered some thing different mBa Indri…blog &quot;gado-gado&quot; I like it…

  5. very interesting information.. must write 500 word to get seo friendly 🙂

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