Firefox OS Smartphone Displays Transparent Casing

A large telecommunications company from Japan, KDDI Corporation, that collaboration with Mozilla has released a smartphone with firefox operating system in Japan. The smartphone that first time based with Firefox OS is given name KDDI KDDI Fx0.

As reported by IGN, KDDI Fx0 has a transparent casing so that the components of the smartphones looks such as circuit boards, because speakers, amplifier signal, and the battery can be seen from the outside.

new smartphone wit firefox os, latest model for smatphone 2015

Transparent casing was created by a Japanese designer, Tokujin Yoshioka to portray the image of openness, freedom, and transparency, giving rise to a characteristic of Fx0.

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Fx0 uses a quad-core 1.2 GHz Snapdragon 400 and 1.5 GB of RAM. This smartphone has a screen 4.7-inch IPS HD is equipped with 8 megapixel rear camera and 2.1 megapixel for front camera.

Fx0 has been launched in Japan and is available in the market since early of January, 2015.

READ  Samsung Z1 With Tizen OS Was Launched at 2015

See also Samsung Z1 With Tizen OS Was Launched at 2015.

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