3 Simple Thing to Really Successful With Adsense

Adsense is the most easy way to earn money online with your blog/website and everyone already knows what’s adsense. Just work at home then they’ll send you some money each month into your pocket. But if we don’t really understanding about adsense, might all it just would being a dream.

Today I’ll a little write about three simple thing but it’s very important to get really successful for long term in adsense.

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1. Protect your adsense account

Adsense program policies are very strict. You too often violate adsense program policies or just one time you make a problem, it’s could make you losing your adsense account to forever. Therefore be sure you are always to comply adsense program policy, but i’m sure that you have already understanding about thing this one.

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2. Force yourself to keep writing

Without you keep writing every day on your website it’s means your website traffic would not increased. Who would visit to your site and click your ads?

3. Make your unique visitors being loyal visitors

Create unique articles and rich information so that all new visitors of your site will be back to your site in the future. In this thing you can write something that you most understand, for example you can write about the skill that you own.

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Hope this article is useful and have nice 2015. Read alsoΒ Why Your English is Very Bad?

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

4 komentar

  1. really great quick tips ..<br />maybe I&#39;ll try to get adsense publisher account someday, but is it possible for me?<br />I am not a full time blogger, maybe I could only get an average of 2 articles in a month.<br />

    1. adsense is possible for anyone who like to use it, but you must increase your update every day and not only one month twice :D<br /><br />oya my friend, i have already follow your advice to create some article like above hehehe πŸ˜€ thanks so much… πŸ™‚

      1. yeeeeyy,.. thank you for the advice, Ms. indri..<br /><br />like you said, I &#39;ll probably try it again more active in making articles,..<br /><br />yes, thank you also for this article that you create .<br />very helpful, ..

  2. wah artinya apa ya mbak .. gak bisa bahasa inggris saya πŸ˜€ istilahnya litle litle sih i can πŸ˜€

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