Living Room Decorating Ideas With Cheap Furniture And Accessories

Do you know living room decorating ideas at your home are not always expensive. Because You can find a lot of affordable ideas to create an inviting and elegant design on your living room. Spending a lot of budget for remodeling your living room is not needed since not all of people have a lot of budget to decorating their living room.

Sometimes, you have to be limited your budget when you remodeling the living room at home. The festive celebration on the living room can be conducted at home after you apply a simple and elegant makeover in the living room decorating ideas.

Living Room Decorating Ideas With Cheap Furniture & Accessories


You can choose the furniture pieces, accessories and knick knack in cheap price. You just need to go to the thrift stores on the market to get these items. Let me to try remind you to paint the walls on your living room with a new color. this aspect can be selected based on your living room decorating ideas that you have been decided before you makeover your living room.

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The homeowner who love with calming, elegant and charming appearance on their living room can be focus on blue, green, or yellow and purple color. To enjoy warm and comfortable feeling on the living room the wall should be decorated with beige, soft orange, tan and also brick red.

The furniture pieces to apply in living room are available in various materials and designs. However, If your living room at home has limited space, you can use with some small scale furniture and accesories. It can be made from metal or wood because this furniture pieces is the most popular materials.



The chairs, coffee table and sofa sold in a secondhand store at market always look old fashioned and busy. But don’t worry You can renew these furniture by using a new color and new design. You can paint these furniture in Gold, dark brown or even navy blue color if the living room wall is decorated with smooth tones.

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Beside That, you can have some furniture pieces painted in smooth light color if the wall in your living room comes in warm color. There are many accessories, knick knack and furniture that you can buy on the thrift stores at market. Then You can change the design for the ceiling by use pendant lighting or decorative lamps. A mirror located on the wall of the middle wall of the living room is also great to see in living room decorating ideas.

Author : Hiendrich Accid burn

Wesbite :

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

8 komentar

  1. very awesome living room 😀

  2. Kayak rumah saya besok mbak..wkwkkw

    1. syukur kalau gitu mas 😀

  3. asikk mulai lagi artikel bahasa inggrisnya..

    oh ya mbak indri mau nanya misal kalau kita ambil gambar interior design seperti di nah disitu kan gak tau pembuatnya terus kita cantumin source atau pembuatnya gmana..


    1. cantumin sumber facebook aja 😀

  4. Gambar Gravatar Nailul Huda Rosyadi berkata:

    Rumah saya lebih bagus sedikit yang banyak buat mbak Indri deh, hehehe

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