Linda Ikeji’s Blog Has Been Removed, What Happened?

Today I was really surprised when visiting one of my favorite blogs, ie, apparently I found that blog has been removed. What cause that make Linda Ikeji blog getting removed, I don’t know about it. Whether the blog was removed by google or removed by the blog owner itself, this is still into my questions up today.

But very rarely happen if there is an blogger man/woman was removing their own blog, where their blog has giving a lot of revenue each month. Until today many of people are wondering what causes so the Linda Ikeji’s blog getting removed.

Courtessy of Linda Ikeji

I think, there are some (three) things that may causes why Linda Ikeji’s blog getting removed.

1. First, the blog was too much updated the articles in large quantities in a day, and it’s can be make a seriously problem that could be marked as spam by google which eventually the blog will deleted automatically by the blogger system.

2. Second, the blog that having too much copy paste articles from another sites, so the original articles owner may reported it to google. As usually, if the reports has been delivered ​​more than once by the copyrighted owner, so it will be noted as a repeat offense or seriously violation, and it will make the blog getting shut down by google in shortly.

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3. Third, there is a technical error in the blogger system, but the cause like this is seems very rare. If technical error is the cause, may this celebrity blogger’s blog can be activated again by google after filing the appeal is approved, but it usually in some cases this things will takes about 3-6 months to be active again.

Before, Linda Ikeji’s blog ever getting banned by google adsense for 6 months (this is according to my observations) and finally they getting activated again by google adsense after six months the blog can’t appearing adsense ads on it.

( i ) As we know, Linda Ikeji is as one of Nigerian woman-celebrities and also well-known as an blogger woman from Nigeria. She was successful in building her popularity through free blog on

She was earned more income from advertising on her blog. Her advertisers are not half-hearted, ie the major advertisers from foreign countries. In addition, she also placed adsense ads on her blog.

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The has launched since about 2003, and eventually became famous after the blog often posted on gossip, artists, and Nigerian figures. A crazy traffic, hundreds of thousands visitors pouring in each day without can prevented. Last alexa rank shows about 2,500, and it equaled the rank of general news sites that famous.

I hope Linda Ikeji’s blog can be activated again, because is one of my inspiration and my favorite blog that updated by a beautiful and smart woman, she is Linda Ikeji.

^^ Please read also Quick ways to get Yahoo & Bing indexed for Blogger.

Gambar Gravatar
Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

8 komentar

  1. Maksudnya blognya sudah di hapus google yaa πŸ™ TIDAAAAAKKKKKK

  2. That is why we should build our business on our own land. The problem by building on someone else's property is just like when the landlord want to raise his monthly payment, there's nothing you can do about it. If Google want to smack Linda…well you know the rest of the story.

  3. Gambar Gravatar Mohammad Fanirifanto berkata:

    When did you check that ? <br />It&#39;s there my dear friend … πŸ™‚ You can now try …

  4. kabar gembira… <br />blog nya udah diaktifkan lagi mbak..:D

  5. Akhirnya blognya bisa aktif kembali …

  6. yang saya gak ngerti, kenapa si linda masih pake blogspot ? kenapa gak pake domain dan hosting sendiri aja ?

    1. mungkin karna sejarahnya gan.

  7. kok SS&#39;a B. Indo? <br />Kurang gaul mbak +Indri

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