When Some Fishermen Wait For The Hungry Fishes

Every week in sunday morning I always go on vacation at the lake sutami, a tourism lake in Indonesia which very near with my home, and I always bring my small camera for take some pictures in there.

Every sunday, there are many of fishermen who lined along the brantas riverside, they were enjoy fishing the fish. Maybe they are thinking that in the morning time all fishes are hungry, therefore they are waiting for the hungry fishes in along the riverside.

fishing, fishermen, tourist, beautiful tourism, beautiful lake

I think they haven’t yet breakfast, because I see there are some foods near the place where they were sit. Sometimes they’re look just eating the snack and drinking mineral water only. In fact, some of them take off their clothes.

fishing, fishermen, tourist, beautiful tourism, beautiful lake

When they were enjoy with their hobbies, they are no hungry for a full day. They don’t want to eat any food, but they just want the fishes eating their feed.

fishing, fishermen, tourist, beautiful tourism, beautiful lake
This is a river in east java, indonesia, that called sungai brantas (brantas river), the river has been dammed since 1972 and formed a lake (called lake waduk or waduk sutami) that role as the electricity power generators. This dam is the indonesia’s second largest dam after the dam of jatiluhur in west java. This dam have 1 kilometers length.
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