blog tidak ada iklan adsense, tetapi dapat peringatan dr GA

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    • #23883
      Gambar GravatarAnonim

      Para mastah sekalian saya mau nanya mengenai masalah ini..

      sebenarnya saya dl pnh mendaftarkan blog saya ke GA, namun ditolak dgn alasan umum yg tidak jelas, tetapi setelah 1 bulan koq malah ada email dengan tulisan seperti ini:


      We’d like you to know that we recently detected invalid activity on the AdSense ads hosted on your website. We’ve temporarily suspended your account and will re-enable it in 30 days. While your account is suspended, you’ll still be able to log in to your AdSense account; however, no ads will be served during this period. We hope this gives you time to identify the source of the invalid activity and to take appropriate action.

      You may see a deduction in your next payment. We’ll refund any revenue from invalid activity, including Google’s share, back to affected advertisers. Your payments may also be put on hold until we re-review your account.

      After 30 days, we’ll re-enable your account. If you need more time to identify and stop the invalid activity, please remove your AdSense ad code from your site to prevent ads from being displayed. We’ll review your account again 30 days after it starts receiving traffic in order to verify the invalid activity has ceased. Please know that if the invalid activity persists, we may need to take further action, such as permanently disabling your account, in order to protect our advertising ecosystem.

      We understand that you may want to know more about the invalid activity we’ve detected. Because this information could be used to circumvent our proprietary detection system, we’re unable to provide our publishers with information about specific account activity, including any web pages, users, or third-party services that may have been involved. To help you identify the potential source of the problem, please read our list of top reasons for account closure:

      Please know that this is not an exhaustive list. However, many publishers have been able to identify the core issue using this list, so please read through it carefully.

      Lastly, we recommend learning how to segment your traffic to help you best understand, monitor, and evaluate the traffic to your site. This may also help you identify sources of invalid activity. For more information, please visit

      We encourage you to be proactive in ensuring that your site and ad traffic comply with our Terms and Conditions and policies. If you have any questions, please feel free to respond to this email. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.


      The Google AdSense Team

      Lalu apakah maksud dari email ini? padahal jika ditolak oleh GA, secara tidak langsung kode iklan pasti tidak ada dan walaupun ada pasti langsung saya copot. untuk akun GA saya tersebut bersifat hosted, karena saya pny yutub yg ada iklannya, dan iklannya sampe skrg aman2 saja, karena tidak ada pelanggaran..

      mohon bantuannya dari para mastah… Maturnuwun..

    • #23884
      Gambar GravatarIndri Lidiawati

      berarti kemungkinan diterima. coba aja login ke akun adsense lalu pasang iklan di blog. jika iklan tampil berarti diterima secara diam2 😀

      tapi utk melakukan langkah di atas harus menunggu 30 hari setelah masa banned sementara selesai.

      jika sudah punya channel youtube dan iklan bisa tampil, berarti akun adsense hosted telah aktif alias diterima oleh sistem.

    • #23903
      Gambar GravatarAnonim

      oke mbak Indri… Maturnuwun infonya, tapi blog yg pnh didaftarkan dl udah saya hapus mbak Indri… sesuai saran panjenengan dl… namun artikelnya udah saya ekstrak ke blog dgn alamat yg baru…

      akhir-akhir ini GA sedikit membingungkan.. ato jgn2 saya yg emang g paham maksudnya..

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