A floating giant ship in newyork city, and it is home to 800 inmates and a prison ship in the world. The ship that resembles a floating city which was built at a cost of $ 161 million with 100 cell equipped with a basketball court on the ship.
This floating city is located on the off coast in newyork city near Bronx, Long Island. Do you ever think of sleeping there? Don’t ever, because it was a prison house.
A scary ship, once again you should not stay there because it was a prison ship.
One again, a ship drifting on the Hudson River which is a farm on the water. They are floating cities in Newyork city. And this ship you can visit it.
pertamax ??<br /><br />penjara apung … diindonesia jg ada … nusa kambang … (^_^) pulaunya yang terapung …
Penjaranya sangan megah ya mbak, kalau kabur disantap hiu, tapi meskipun semegah itu saya tidak minat untuk nginep di Rumah terapung itu, biar deh saya mending tidur di gubuk bambu aja hehehe
wah penjara terapung yah mbak baru tahu saya kalau karam bisa mati semua gimana coba hehe…
Seperti sangkar emas ya mbak
sprti sangkar emas tp di dalamnya gak enak ya mas mbak hehehe 😀