How to Create SEO Friendly Articles on Your Blog

SEO Friendly Articles is article which easy to appears on the first page of google search result when there is someone write the keywords that relate with that article. Having an article seo friendly would be better than have many articles but not seo friendly.


In order to create seo friendly articles you can try the tips below :

1. Create a seo friendly post title

First, you must create a seo friendly post title for your article. Write the main keyword at the early of post title. for example: if you want to use the seo friendly articles as your main keyword, place that keyword at the first of your post title sentence. Like this:

SEO Friendly Articles, How to Create it On Your Blog


SEO Friendly Articles, How to Make it On Your Site

If you were place the main keyword at the first part of your post title, then it will make your keyword to be strongly on the search engine so the users can be found your articles easily.

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2. Create a long articles

Your articles must be long more than 300 words long, more long is better. If you can write 800 words long articles then it’s very good. Even if you can write article for 1.000 words long or over, it would make your articles very rich in keywords so the users can be found your post on search engine easily.

3. Create some internal links

In order to make your articles having more strongly rank in search engine, you must create at least one active link inside your content that refers to other posts in the same blog. These links are called internal links.

4. Arrange keyword density balance

Place your main keywords at the first paragraf of your post, than in center of your articles, and at the end of paragraf of your post. Notice the keyword density, you don’t ever write too much main keyword inside articles to avoid spam or violation. Google is not like to excessive something, including too many keywords inside of a post.

5. Insert the main keywords into the images

Be sure your post having at least one image/picture inside it and put your main keyword into the alt tag of image, and you can also adding some related keyword to the images. These keyword would appears on google search when the users is typing your keywords on google search.

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6. Use H2 for at least one keyword

Write one or two sentences inside of the post using H2 and put your main keyword as part of that sentence. This is a part of a good seo onpage.

7. Create a SEO Post Title (optional, just for seo plugin users)

If you are using a seo plugin like SEO by Yoast, you can create a SEO Post Title that available below your post entry on admin dasbor (if you are a wordpress user). This seo post title will be appears on the google search to change your original post title.

The way to write a seo post title was same like you create post title as I have already wrote above. The main keyword must be placed in early of the post title.

This is a simple way to create a seo friendly article but the result not simple like this way. Your articles would be appears on the first page of google search easily. You could try How to Create SEO Friendly Articles on Your Blog using this tips.

I hope this article is useful. Read also Learn How to Write Articles Consistently.

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Saya hanyalah seorang blogger biasa yang ingin berbagi pengalaman kepada pembaca melalui blog ini. Ilmu yang bermanfaat harus disampaikan kepada orang lain sebelum kita kembali padaNya. Indri Lidiawati

5 komentar

  1. aduh bahasa inggris mba. hhehehe
    indonesianya mab

    1. lagi latihan bahasa linggis nih mas hehehe 😀

  2. Makasih artikelnya bisa untuk belajar optimasi, tapi aduh bahasa Inggris y? Yang penting intinya little-little saya faham mba… hehe

    1. saya aja juga masih sering tanya ke google translate kok mbak Dewi hehe 😀

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